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Compassionate in-home care for your pet with After Life Vets: Veterinary consultations at home

Welcome to our at-home veterinary euthanasia service, where we understand the importance of providing a compassionate and respectful farewell to your loyal furry companion. Our approach focuses on offering you a complete in-person consultation that includes an orientation phone call, emotional support, detailed physical examination, and an assessment of your pet's quality of life.

Our highlighted services

  • In-Home Face-to-Face consultation: In the comfort and familiarity of your home, we offer an in-person consultation, providing a serene environment for your pet in their final moments.

  • Phone support and decision-making: Receive guidance and support before the consultation. Our orientation calls are designed to answer your questions and assist you in this difficult process.

  • Comprehensive physical examination: Our veterinarian will perform a detailed physical examination to assess your pet's condition, ensuring care based on their well-being.

  • Quality of life assessment: We evaluate key aspects such as behavior and mobility to help you determine the right time for farewell.

  • Emotional support and compassion: We understand the emotional aspect of this process. We are here to offer support and compassion, accompanying you at every step.

  • Prescription of medication if necessary: If necessary, our veterinarian will prescribe medication for pain control, ensuring your pet's comfort.

Personal information


We inform you in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD of April 27, 2016 that ÁLVARO NARVÁEZ GODOY (AFTER LIFE VETS), collects and processes your personal data, applying the technical and organizational measures that guarantee your confidentiality, in order to manage the relationship that binds you. You give your consent and authorization for such treatment. We will keep your personal data only for the time necessary to manage our relationship. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition by contacting ÁLVARO NARVÁEZ GODOY (AFTER LIFE VETS) with address CERRO DE LA SACRISTÍA, 15,RIOGORDO,29180,MALAGA.

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